mceclip0 - 2023-02-08 15h30m00s

HECO2 Theme 5 Saturn

Reduction of greenhouse gas emissions is necessary to initiate an ecological transition. Industry will have to do its part by reducing its emissions. However, greenhouse gas emissions of some industrial processes do not only come from combustion of fossil fuels but also from processes themselves. A well-known example is the production of lime where 75% of the CO2 emitted comes from decarbonation of calcium carbonate. In these particular cases, most ecological fuels will not prevent the release of CO2, which is why carbon capture is being studied.

The Saturn project aims to test post-combustion carbon capture technologies on different industrial productions.

Aperam, a stainless steel producer, wants to study carbon capture on their argon oxygen decarburization (AOD) process. The lime producer Carmeuse also wants to study carbon capture on their process. AGC would also like to test carbon capture on a float furnace. Finally, Prayon intends to install a capture device on its phosphate solution production processes.

In this type of industrial process, a number of parameters must be taken into account: intermittence of CO2 emissions, NOx and SOx emissions, dust, etc.

The use of a pilot on different production sites will be used to evaluate the efficiency of a capture technology.

The Chemical Engineering research is in charge of the environmental aspects of the project and will apply Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) in an eco-design approach.

HECO2 Saturn

Angélique Léonard, Project Supervision

Grégoire LÉONARD, Project Supervision

Justin Barras, Research Engineer

Loris Baggio, PhD Researcher

updated on 2/10/23

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