mceclip0 - 2023-02-13 15h07m08s

AD-CORSSI (GreenWin) : Automation and digitalization of a Revalued composites production chain and application to an industrial security solution

The objective of the project is, through the development of a particular application (the production of an industrial speed bump), to improve the process of revalorization of thermosetting plastic to reach new markets with higher added value, which will allow Reprocover to remain the leader in this sector.

To achieve this, Sirris and Reprocover will automate the conveying of the raw material from the mixer to the mold in order to drastically reduce the sources of variability in the current manufacturing process. Thanks to this stabilization, the CM3 (department of ULiège) will create a material model analyzing the remaining variables, such as the different sources of supply.

This material model can then be integrated into the digital twin of the Reprocover production process, implemented by GDTech. This will help the manufacturing process to anticipate process failures that may be related to new process improvements, new product developments or new material mixtures.

These improvements will be directly implemented through the development of a speed bump specifically designed for heavy trucks and industrial vehicles. A-Csys, a company specializing in industrial safety, and its partners, found that there is not any satisfactory solution for this type of traffic. Indeed, the current solutions are not strong enough or too difficult to place.

Finally, it should be considered that the developments proposed above will also be studied from an ecological point of view via an LCA (Life Cycle Assessment) carried out by ULiège-PEPs, which will also help to guide decisions towards the most relevant choices in terms of circular and sustainable economy.

updated on 11/22/23

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